
Three Ways to…Live a Healthier Lifestyle

There are so many options out there with regard to “dieting,” “getting skinny” or “losing fat.” But, the truth is that it all has to do with a healthy lifestyle, not a temporary fix. Diets, supplements, pills and other ridiculous tools that they throw at you are all a sham. I may be a little biased, but I truly believe that everything in moderation and natural remedies to health are the way to go. So here is what I believe is most important when living a healthier lifestyle. (It’s free too).

1. Get Over Cravings

Simply put, stop letting yourself indulge in dumb cravings like fast food, chips, ice cream, cakes, candy, white bread, etc. It’s all just temporary satisfaction and more often then not, it leaves us feeling like crap or even hungrier than before. There’s no need to completely rid these sweet or salty cravings out of your life, but there’s no reason to be eating it everyday or even every other day for that matter. Replace these cravings with fruits, granola, yogurt, all types of nuts, whole wheats. You already know what is good and bad for you, I don’t need to tell you that. But try to put down the french fries and try something that actually adds nutrients to your health! Your body, your heart and your elderly healthy self will thank you for this.

 2. Hangout with People Who Eat Healthy 

Yes, our friends have a huge influence over us, don’t they. If you hangout with Cheeseburger Chester all the time, you will probably be eating similar to him. Not that we don’t love our fast food addict friends, but if you want to eat healthier, eat with the friends who will encourage that. My best friend, Amanda, is in Paris right now, but when she’s home all we do is eat healthy together because we love it and it makes us feel good. Having someone else encourage you to eat healthier and exercise will tremendously take affect on your health, your lifestyle and your friendship! But, don’t get me wrong. Amanda and I have our fair share of cravings like birthday cake friend-zs from Friendly’s. Everything in moderation!

3. Replace Every Drink with Water

Biggest accomplishment in my lifestyle, besides getting myself to work out 5 days a week, was switching over to water. Our bodies are made up of 60% water. Water helps maintain the balance of body fluids like digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of body temperature. Wow. What an affect we can have on our bodies just by drinking more water. Stop drinking those sugary sodas, teas and juices and just drink water. You will learn to love it and feel yourself craving it more because your body is so used to consuming it. Keep it by your desk, in the car, next to you on the couch, on your nightstand, when you workout and when you eat. It will soon become second nature to you and what a fabulous outcome it will have. You can even get a fun water bottle like I have to put infused fruits, lemons, limes and veggies!

Thanks for reading everyone, I hope this helps if you wish to become a little healthier in your life. Remember, cravings are temporary but fitness can last forever. Your friends can have a huge impact, and so can you. Don’t forget to drink water and PLENTY of it.

Lover your body, love your life 🙂